Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Marianne Moore On “Bird-Witted” Essay

Born in Kirkwood, Missouri, Moore studied biology at Bryn Mawr College. After travelling in Europe with her mother, she taught at the U.S. Indian School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and later moved to Brooklyn, New York, where she worked as a librarian. Moore first published her poems in such little magazines as the Egoist, Poetry, and Others, later editing the Dial, a highly regarded modernist periodical. In part because of her extensive European travels before the First World War, Moore came to the attention of poets as diverse as Wallace Stevens, Hilda Doolittle, T. S. Eliot, and Ezra Pound and corresponded for a time with W.H. Auden and Ezra Pound. In her poetry Moore experimented with the stanza and strived to unite what she called â€Å"precision, economy of statement [and] logic† with complex rhyme patterns, syllable counts, and ornate diction. Her volumes include Poems (1921), Observations (1924), Collected Poems (1951), and Complete Poems (1967). On â€Å"Bird-Witted†About the poem:The American poet Marianne Moore wrote poems quite similar to fables in their use of animals and animal traits to comment on human experience. Composed in (1951) and published in her Collected Poems, Moores narrative poem Bird-witted can attain the quality of fable as its being a brief allegorical narrative where the characters are animals who act like people while retaining their animal traits. The poem is about a mother mockingbird struggling to feed its three fledglings or young birds when a cat approaches them to mark the transformation of the mother from a feeding and caring bird to dangerously defending and protective. The First StanzaMoore chooses animals or birds to replace the existence of the world of man, there is no human but animals working like humans yet keeping their animal traits. Moore constructs in this poem and many other poems, a positive portrait of feminine figure. One of the strongest is, not surprisingly, the mother, almost all of them in animal form, who appear in  Moore’s poems of the thirties and forties. Moore lived with her mother all her life until Mrs. Moore’s death in 1947, who was a mother of uncommon intellectual gifts as well as possessiveness and surely had that deep impact on her own daughter. The poem starts with locating the three young birds under the pussy-willow tree waiting for their mother. The three large mockingbirds with wide penguin eyes are standing in a row beside each other solemnly till they observe their no longer larger mother approaching with what will feed one of them before going back to bring more for them. The Second StanzaHere, the stanza starts from where the mother bird is, as while flying it can hear the irregular squeaking of its hungry young birds similar to a broken springs of a carriage as well as spotting them below so tiny like brownish coloured freckles. (To them the mother is no longer larger, to her; they are still tiny like freckles. A common but interchangeable concern between a mother and her children when claiming their growth and demanding their independence and knowledge while her enforcing her possessiveness and protection over them). When approaching them and landing, the mother bird puts a beetle in one of the little birds beak but as it dropped out the mother puts it in again. An image enforcing their helplessness and her caring yet, strong hold over them. The Third StanzaThis stanza shows the process, of which the young mockingbirds express how their hunger is satisfied. As they stand in the pussy-willow shade with their grey coloured coats, they spread tail and wings, showing one by one, the modest white stripe lengthwise on the tail and crosswise underneath the wing,. One must not forget that their squeaks or the accordion as described musically in the stanza, is closed again and now they set to test their skills of flying while the mother is away. The Fourth StanzaThe narrator has to express the quality of the mother birds melody as delightful yet its unexpected but rapid change as flute-sounds leaping from the throat of the shrewd grown bird coming from the remote unenergetic sunlit air when realising the brood leaving their place and testing their abilities to fly. And how harsh the birds voice has become as the narrator describes. Moore’s embodiment of maternal behaviour in animal figures not only affirms the instinctual nature of such behaviour in general but also reflects (and to some extent explains) the ever-present animal kingdom of pet-names by which the Moore family members expressed their attachments to one another. This spirit of maternal protection is placed in Moore’s female figures as they come into the full strength of their unyielding devotion. The Fifth StanzaThis stanza is devoted to a spotted cat described as approaching and impending danger. The cat is observing the little birds and slowly creeping toward them while naively and out of ignorance they pay no heed to it. While one of the birds is in midst of its attempt to fly, its dangling foot that missed the cats grasp is raised and finds the twig or branch on which it planned to rest on. This incident is not to be left alone as the sixth stanza shows closure of this poem. The Sixth StanzaThe movement of this stanza is quicker than the previous ones, depicting the angry mother bird as it darts from the sky down where the cat stands. Its fear for the safety of its own little birds had given it the strength and courage to involve in a deadly combat where the cat is almost killed by the spear like beak of the bird and its angry wings. The enemy in the final lines, the â€Å"intellectual cautious- / ly creeping cat,† brings about an interesting point of the narrative, which is the transformation of personality brought on not only by the approaching danger of the cat but also by motherhood itself as the â€Å"bayonet beak† and â€Å"cruel wings† of the bird defending her brood, produces a seriocomic scene that Moore intended. This distinction between protection and injury was clearly an important one to a poet living creatively within her mother’s house. Structure:-Later in her life, in 1967, Moore confessed that the sound of the verse was more important to her than its visual pattern. She remarked that it ought to be continuous, and that she had always wanted her verse to sound unstrained and natural as though she was speaking. At the time, she expressed her distaste for the common place that she wrote in syllabic verse, in which the line lengths of a repeated stanza pattern are determined  by the numbers of syllables, rather than stresses. She confessed her liking to see symmetry and regularity on the page. -Thus, in Bird Witted, as each stanza consists of 10 lines, all the six stanzas are alike in length of line but this poem has no rhyming pattern though some lines rhyme together-The pattern itself is repeated with each stanza though the count of syllables differs as in: The 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th stanzas (the fourth line contains 3 syllables), the 3d and 5th stanzas (the fourth line contains 4 syllables). -Word breaking: as a word is split between the lines (sun/lit) in the 4th stanza and (cautious/ly) in the sixth one. -The fable like form, as animals replace human characters. -Assonance: in the repetition of the vowel sounds of (wide/eyes), (keyed/squeak), (their/pale), (crosswise/lengthwise)-Consonance: in the repetition of the final consonant sounds of (squeak/meek), (picks/puts)-Alliteration: as the (t) sound in (the trim trio on the tree-stem), (f) sound in (freckled forms), (p) sound in (planned to perch)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Major Depression Disorder Essay

The scenario I have chosen to write about is the case of Sylvia. She is a patient of major depression disorder. Symptoms clearly show she is struggling with major depression disorder. The five dominant theories of psychology to further understand the case of Sylvia are the cognitive theory, behavioral theory, humanistic theory, personality theory and social dominance theory. Cognitive theory of psychology is focus on internal state such as problem solving, motivation, thinking, decision making and attention. It is a key component underlying the way people think and behave. Cognitive theory is basically concerned with the development of a person’s thoughts processes. It also counts for how these thought processes influence and how a person understand and interact with the world. The technique recommend by the cognitive theory to help Sylvia. In cognitive behavioral therapy is a psychotherapeutic approach which addresses dysfunctional and emotions maladaptive behaviors and cognitive processes. CBT is an effective treatment for various conditions like anxiety, mood, personality, eating, and substances abuse which Sylvia is and has struggled with all this. So this will be very helpful for her. Behavioral theory of learning which is based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Behavioral techniques are widely used in therapeutic settings to help clients in learning new skills and behavior. It is bases on the belief that behavior can be measured, changed and trained. The technique recommended by behaviorism theory to help Sylvia. Applied behavior analysis technique is recommended by behaviorism therapy in the case of major depression. And in the case of Sylvia, this technique will be very helpful. Psychodynamic is also known as dynamic psychology. It is an approach of psychology, which emphasizes on the systematic study of psychological forces. The treatment of  psychological distress psychodynamic therapy to be less sensitive than psychoanalysis treatment. Psychodynamic therapies are basically depending upon theory of inner conflict. Psychodynamic therapy is designed to help patients explore the full range of their emotions, including feeling they may not be aware of. The technique recommended by psychodynamic theory to help Sylvia is Psychoanalytic and interpersonal technique, it is recommended by psychodynamic theory to help people like Sylvia who is struggled with major depression. This approach focuses on the interrelationship of the mind and mental, motivational or emotional forces within the mind that interact to shape a personality. Humanistic psychology is focused on understanding the unconscious motivations that drive behavior, and study the condition while processes that produce behavior. Humanistic psychology emerged during the 1950’s as a reaction to psycho analysis and behaviorism humanistic psychology was instead focused on each individual’s potential and stressed the importance of growth and self – actualization. The technique recommended by humanistic theory to help Sylvia is existential technique. If is recommended by humanistic theory to help a person who is in major depression disorder. Personality psychology looks at the patterns of thoughts and feelings that make a person unique. Some of the best known theories of psychology are devoted to the subject of personality. Almost every day we describe and access the personality of the people around us. Whether we realize it or not. These daily musings on how and why people behave as they do are similar to what personality psychologist do. Social dominance theory identifies several mechanisms by which hierarchies are developed and maintained. These theories focused on helping us understand and explain social behavior. Social theories are generally centered on specific social phenomenon including prosaically, Social behavior. These are all the theories of psychology that Sylvia could use for this scenario. All the different techniques that she can do. Each different technique helps to deal with her major depression disorder. They each help individually, but when applied together better results could be obtained. Reference Myers, D. (2014). Exploring psychology (9th Ed.). New York: NY: Worth Publishers.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Communications Coordinator Essay

As the Communication Coordinator for this national drug manufacturer, today we will need to brainstorm and discuss how we will address the negative effects that our medication are causing to the public. The local news has already started a witch hunt by allegedly reporting that one of our local officials has suffered from adverse side effects from our medications. How can we address the public regarding this issue without losing business and the trust we created with our investors and our consumers? In today’s meeting we will decide which communication tactic is the most suitable for this situation, while making sure that we stay within the HIPPA guidelines. We will start by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using traditional media. Traditional media can include newspapers, magazines, radio, and television. There are some great advantages n whey these media outlets would be great in reaching our audience regarding this health scare. Two great traditional methods are newspapers and magazines; they can help because we can be precise and explicit when discussing our issues. Additionally, these methods would provide use with a permanent record of our attempt to reach the public (Advantages and Disadvantages of written communication, 2012). Two other good traditional methods are radio and television. These methods are great because they are very cost effective and will allow us to reach our audience directly and will allow us to show emotion and concern regarding this matter. All of these methods seem like they would work but there are disadvantages with sticking to traditional media outlets instead of using electronic or social media sites. Some valid concerns we have with using electronic or social media sites. Some main concerns we have with using traditional media is that it can only reach a limited amount of people and we are restricted to a small scope of listeners and readers. In addition, feedback is not immediate like electronic or social media sites.

The effecst and changes in parenting of Asian families after Essay

The effecst and changes in parenting of Asian families after immigration to Western societies - Essay Example If the perceptions of parents and children are dissonant and based on lived historical experience or current realities, then their ability to manage the stresses of forced migration will be diminished even further. If the perceptions of each generation can be made more congruent, then it is likely that both parents and their children will see each other as resources rather than as additional stressors. To understand this problem, Asian parenting styles and characteristics need to be studied. Warmth and dominating control offer two important dimensions of parental style that may be universal, and against which the meaning of specific practices might be elucidated. The use of these styles as touchstones was an important strategy which can be used in understanding data from new western cultures. Immigration of Asian families to Western Societies usually involves major changes in parent–child relationships. The results of some studies have shown that the relations between immigrant parents and their children are vulnerable to the risks commonly associated with immigration, especially during the adolescent years (Nguyen & Williams, 1988). On the one hand, during adolescence, children become more cognitively sophisticated and think differently about what their parents can and cannot control in their lives. This developmental shift is compounded by the process of acculturation for immigrant adolescents, making them more likely to downplay their parents’ values and modes of behavior and adopt values and modes of behavior from the new society. Immigrant parents, on the other hand, may resist change in their traditional values. Some scholars suggest that despite years of living in the country of resettlement, many immigrant parents preserve their ideas about child-rearing, their expectations, norms, rules, and beliefs (Nguyen & Williams, 1988). The research findings suggest that family values that center around household chores,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

International Insurance law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

International Insurance law - Essay Example The specific principle has been related mostly to the insurance law. The introduction of the above principle was considered as a measure for increasing the validity of marine contracts, a target that has been achieved but not fully. The examination of the principles’ aspects led to the assumption that the specific principle has led to the introduction of a series of rules; these rules are critically presented in this paper; appropriate literature and case law have been used in order so show the actual characteristics of the principle of good faith and its implications for the marine insurance contracts, to which the principle of utmost good faith is mostly related. It is concluded that the principle of utmost good faith has played a key role in the increase of validity of marine insurance contracts, at least for the side of insured. The weakness of the principle to provide a clear plan of action when a violation has occurred in regard to one or more terms of the contract invol ved is clear. The efforts that the Law Commission developed recently in regard to the protection of consumers in the particular field, could help to control the violations in marine insurance contracts – which are critical for the entire market – and to improve the performance of the principle of utmost good faith, as an element of the relevant agreements. 2. Utmost good faith in the English law 2.1 The context of the principle of utmost good faith The principle of utmost good faith has been derived from the principle of good faith – a common element of contracts. For this reason, in order to understand the elements and the rules of the principle of utmost good faith it would be necessary to refer primarily to the framework of the principle of good faith – as used in the common law. The principle of good faith can be characterized as an indispensable element of contracts. The above principle has been recognized as a valuable criterion for deciding on the validity of a contract – especially in cases where the intention of the parties involved is not easily identified.1 In the Scots law, the principle of good faith, or else the ‘bonae fidei’ is a prerequisite for all contracts,2 even if opposite views have been periodically developed.3 Theorists and researchers have used similar approaches in order to describe good faith. In accordance with the most common view, the good faith can be characterized as ‘acting on the assumption of honest dealing’4. The principle of good faith is not accepted as a general principle; it is rather used in specific types of contracts, like ‘the insurance and employment contracts’;5 Conflicts have been often developed regarding the potential value of the principle of good faith for contracts. In Scotland, the most recent trends, lead to the limitation of the necessity of good faith for contracts; however, there are opposite views supporting the value of good fait h in contracts. The supporters of good faith in Scotland refer to the need for continuation of civilian traditions, as an argument for promoting the use of good faith in contracts.6 It should be noted that the principle of good faith is not strongly supported in the context of the common law; on the contrary, in the civil law, emphasis is given on the use of the principle

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Compare and contrast the experiences of African Americans with those Essay

Compare and contrast the experiences of African Americans with those of women between 1800 and 1865 - Essay Example These consequent rebellions helped in making the United States country free of marginalization and slave trade. In an effort to combat these injustices, the slaves and women employed certain tactics to have their voices heard. Some of the women used conventions to bring other s of their kind together and enlighten them of their right and the need to rise for justice, the conventions involved declarations to overthrow men leadership and the chauvinism that was imposed on them. Most of these conventions were made by women who were wives to some of the influential men in the society. African American slaves used both primary and secondary sources to reach out to their counterparts, the primary sources included writing of journals and holding conventional meetings, secondary sources were the use of maps and picture diagrams to educate others on how they would help fight for their rights. The activists also got help from some of their sympathizers in the government; the women on the other hand used legal ties to their husband to take advantage of the opportunity The Seneca Falls convention of 1848 was attended more than 200 women. Its main aim was to liberalize the women in the United States, they complained of the unfulfilled promises that they had been given by the government at its formation in 1776. The convention stirred emotions amongst women in the women of Seneca Falls; it was followed by constant rebellion and conventions by women to shun the government (DBQ #10, Doc. #1). Then there was the Quaker convention of 1848 in the state of New York, it was organized by the women of New York to call for gender equality in the country, this, however, was denied by angry delegates who stormed and destroyed the meeting (Gerald, S, pp 23). They made a venue where the women would air their sentiments, which would later be thrown away like those of the Seneca convention (DBQ #10, Doc. #3). Lastly, there was a convention at the Wesleyan chapel, it was attended by two hund red and sixty delegates and of them, and there were sixty men. Most of the resolutions that were brought forward were passed except one (DBQ #10, Doc. #4), which stated that women were not able to attend the fashionable cultural spheres of those times (Elizabeth, R, pp 5). The slaves on the other hand used mostly primary sources to spread their information to their counterparts; they applied the use of documentations to arrange for meetings. Paul Cuffe, who was a slave who had bought his freedom, wrote a petition to the legislature of Massachusetts, citing his petitions as slaves not being allowed a share of the profits earned from their labor, in his petition he also complained about how slaves were not allowed to participate in the voting process (DBQ #9, Doc. #2). In 1794, Absalom Jones wrote to the slaves regarding the fugitive slave act of 1793, he urged the slaves to take it upon themselves to fight for their rights and not expect anyone else to handle their problems for thems elves (DBQ #9, Doc. #3). In 1797 prince hall made a speech in Boston to remind the slaves how they were being mistreated by their employers, it was somewhat a wakeup call to the slaves to fight for their rights (DBQ #9, Doc. #4). This was followed by constant rebellion by the slaves in Boston (Lamont, D, PP 23). The slaves also used secondary sources to communicate to the authorities and among themselves, such source included, pictures, thematic

Friday, July 26, 2019

Hardware Infrastructure in Any Big Business or Federal Organization Research Paper

Hardware Infrastructure in Any Big Business or Federal Organization - Research Paper Example Project Objective: The project’s objective involves the identification of several needs and difficulties encountered during the process of managing information and Technology infrastructure basing on several factors. This involves the scope of the project together with the assigned deliverables. Factors to consider include technology comparison, financial budgeting, inventory assessment, and associated costs. Deliverables: 1. Determine efficiency of an organization’s resources 2. Determination of the reliability of an organization’s current assists 3. Determine the cost of infrastructure upgrade Milestones: The completion of the project has to take place before 2016. According to Chambers (2015), the instantaneous events associated with the IT project include; 1. Permits Approved- 20th October 2015 2. Assets inventory Taking – 20th October 2015 3. Determination of costs involved in supporting and maintaining hardware – 20th November 2015 4. Evaluation of probably available technology – 30th November 2015 5. Making of the financial budget – 5th December 2015 6. Final Inspection – 30th December 2015 Technical Requirements: The project considers many technical issues so as t successfully attain the desired objectives. The technical aspects touch on the availability, reliability, and the performance of the project (Ambler, 2004). 1. Determine the challenges of changing old/Obsolete Information Technology hardware infrastructure 2. Renew the IT infrastructure with an organizations budget

Thursday, July 25, 2019

People & Organisational Management in the Built Environment Essay

People & Organisational Management in the Built Environment - Essay Example The researcher states that the skills, that are acquired by a manager matter a lot when managing people within a built environment. Modern managers are expected to be competent in performing their technical responsibilities as well as in handling the subordinates. Considering the tight competition in the workplace, the need for managers to constantly update their management skills is strongly advised. In relation to people and organizational management, the first part of the study will provide the definition and concept of ‘people and organizational management’ followed by discussing the most important people and organizational management theoretical concept. Right after defining the concept, a literature review will be conducted in determining the importance of the principles behind people and organizational management towards the student’s profession as a manager in a built environment. Eventually, some recommended strategic ways in which management theories cou ld enable us to meet the key challenges of the 21st century will be identified and discussed. For the second part of the study, the student will conduct a self-reflection with regards to the student’s own management competencies as a manager in a built environment. People management alone is not enough in enabling built environment achieve its organizational goals. In conclusion, for the success of a built environment, managers should be able to effectively integrate the important functions of people and organizational management.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Analyze Roger Dubuis' (high-end watches) press kit Essay

Analyze Roger Dubuis' (high-end watches) press kit - Essay Example The mission of the Company is also stated and the major underlying themes are clearly spelt out: creativity, innovation and boldness. The Press kit then sets out in detail, each of the individual items that was summarized in the capsule of information presented at the outset. Firstly, it presents a timeline of the Company’s history sets out the history of SOGEM S.A., which was founded in 1995, including the development of the various collections and their distinguishing features. The next section of the Press kit deals specifically with the development of the sports watch collection and the development of the Geneva boutique. The two original collections â€Å"Hommage† and â€Å"Sympathie† have been rejuvenated in 2004, into two collections that are different from the original both aesthetically and technically. These two collections cater not only to men but also to women. This is followed by yet another section of the report which explains the features of the â€Å"Just for Friends† collection. The distinctive element of this collection is pointed out, i.e, it contains an engraving from Dubuis – â€Å"Just for friends†, which in turn makes it an exclusive sports watch. The next section of the Press kit focuses specifically with the Company’s ability to maintain a leading edge by constantly establishing new standards for technology, quality and design by adhering to the strict requirements for the Geneva seal. The next segment of the report summarizes the progress of the Manufacture Roger Dubuis and the expansion of the building to cope with the future demands that are likely to arise. The last segment of the report explains the expansion plans of the Company and the proposed boutiques which are to be set up at various locations in Asia. The Press Kit provides a capsule of the communication strategy the Company has followed , including the transmission of images of glamour and

The Antiquity of the Han Dynasty Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

The Antiquity of the Han Dynasty - Term Paper Example They adopted legalism for the strength of their ruler ship and to set the rules and regulations while on the other hand Confucianism was meant to be followed by common people because of the importance of morals and the guidance towards achieving the moralistic rewards and satisfaction. Han dynasty aimed strongly towards achieving a direct control of people by the state. The set of rules and regulations meant for the people of the early imperial China to follow were clearly directed towards achieving a unified nation. China flourished economically right after the supremacy of Wu Ti who was a renowned militant successful in the expansion of borders into Vietnam and Korea. This was a huge step towards an increase of population in order to colonize the entire area. The economic expansion assisted immensely in producing a proper platform for the trade opportunities that came their way and this platform was named as the 'Silk road' that helped the traders to channel their line of work and Silk in particular was sold through this route. Along with the economic development, agriculture increased on an apparent high scale and irrigational systems were introduced to increase the development within the Northern areas in China. The education sector also developed during the Han period because of a new honorable class of gentry that was introduced. With education came a stack of informative encyclopedias to assist the Chinese youth to strengthen themselves academically. The best among these encyclopedias was that of the 'Book of the mountains and seas' that comprises of everything from geography to the natural world and philosophy. One of China's greatest historians was Sima Qian, who was the author of the 'Records of the historian (Shiji)' that became China's first ever attempt to properly compile the events from their antiquity. The Han dynasty is believed of having two distinct ruler ships; the first one was that of the Chinese with the other one ruled by a member of the previous Han dynasty who declared that he was responsible for the restoration of the Han dynasty. The original Han rule according to him was sabotaged because of the power gained by the rich people. The second dynasty however, enjoyed mu ch of success with the foreign policies that they adopted. The opponent of the Han dynasty eventually tried to create a huge empire while including the entire Turkistan after which Turkistan was conquered by Chinese instantly. China suffered immensely economically and politically in the form of trade discrepancies after the span of struggle in Turkistan. This period massively highlights the movement by the Yellow turbans and China emerged as a unified nation once again but the defeat of the yellow turbans did not unify them on a single ground but instead three kingdoms emerged and the Han dynasty came to an end. The artifacts of the Han dynasty: The antiquity of the remarkable Han dynasty has been preserved in the silhouette of many artifacts which unveils the way they perceived the world and the philosophy behind their great minds. The artifacts are mostly in the form of shrines, steles and sculptures which portrays their notable aesthetic sense and the artistic excellence that they possessed. A pair of stone felines: This is a stone sculpture that well preserves the historic culture of China and presents a pair of a male and a female stone lion which was

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Starbucks CRM Recommendations report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Starbucks CRM Recommendations report - Essay Example The coffee beverage company is located in Seattle, America. Starbucks has coffee chains all over the globe including the United Kingdom, Japan, and China. The company is widely recognized for its powerful customer care that has enabled it to enjoy customer loyalty in the beverage industry (Jargon, 2009). In reference to Keightley (2014), the act of customer journey mapping is an important method used by many organisations in order to visualize the real experience of their customers. A touch point describes the interface of a brand with the customers.In the process of an interaction, it enables the company to understand how customers visualize the company’s products in their journey. In accordance with my previous assignment, I highlighted several touch points in terms of customer experience whether positive, neutral or negative. In this report, the touch points with a baseline or a negative experience have been analysed. The recommendation report aims to narrow down on the effectiveness of the touch points and the necessary measures that should be carried out in order to achieve the business objectives of Starbucks. The process of implementing the suggested remedies is clearly outlined in the last sections of the work. The IDIC framework that has been used to analyse the effe ctiveness of the touch points is well known to render excellent results in terms of customer relationship management. The first step in this model includes the ability to reach out to the customers on an individual basis. The type of relationship developed here ensures that the business enterprise identifies its loyal customers. It does not mean that you need to know them by names but aims at finding a way to ensure that the same customer comes back for the product another day. The customers differ from each other in terms of their value to the business. This means that for a

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” by James Thruber Essay Example for Free

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty† by James Thruber Essay James Thurber is one of the best known humorists in America, and the work â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty† is considered to be one of the Thurber’s â€Å"acknowledged masterpieces†. The story was published in 1939 in the New Yorker magazine to great applause, and was first collected in his book â€Å"My World and Welcome to It†. In 1947, Hollywood released a movie of the same title, starring Danny Kaye and Virginia Mayo. The name of the main character Walter Mitty and the derivative word â€Å"Mittyesque† have entered the English language, describing an intellectual person, who spends more time in heroic day dreams than paying attention to the real world, or more seriously, one who deliberately tries to trick or persuade others that he is something that he is not. In military circles, this usually refers to people who try and fake a successful career. The idea for Walter Mitty was got from a book â€Å"Malice Aforethought† by a leading British crime-fiction writer Antony Berkeley Cox. Here the main character is named Dr. Bickleigh, who runs away from unbearable reality into fantasies markedly similar in character to those of Mitty. Nevertheless, Walter Mitty is very much a Thurber protagonist, so much so that he has been called â€Å"the archetype for dreamy, hapless, Thurber Man†. Like many of his physically unimpressive male characters Thurber often paired with larger woman in his cartoons, Walter Mitty is dominated and put upon by his wife. Like a man who saw the unicorn, he escapes by way of fantasies. The title itself describes what this story is all about. Walter’s negative manner of speaking of himself makes the reader realize that he is not very happy in his life. He is an ordinary man, who first dreams about being a commander of a hydroplane who should get his crew out of danger from the hurricane. This short story is about a man, Walter Mitty, and his wife who make a trip to town, Waterbury, to run instructions. Mrs. Mitty needs to stop at the hair salon and she commands her husband to leave the car at the mechanic and go to the store to buy overshoes and some unknown objects that he couldn’t recollect. Throughout the trip to town the old man is lost in day dreams, where he is heroic at the end. These fantasies are the secret life of Walter Mitty. The real-life setting in this story is rather mundane: a hairdresser, a parking lot, a hotel lobby, a drugstore – all everyday elements of every town or city. The dimness or banality of these locations reflects the dullness of Mitty’s everyday life. This is pretty contrasted with the environment of Walter’s fantasies: a â€Å"Navy hydroplane† in a storm, an operating room, a courtroom, a dugout, a wall before a firing squad. These locations are tense, gripping, and out of the ordinary. The main character is a middle-aged, middle-class man, flees from the routine drudgery of his suburban life into fantasies of heroic conquest. In the story Walter Mitty proves that he is a very forgetful and a really stubborn man with a vivid imagination. He is constantly being distracted, and starts to dream often. His daydreams all has him as a successful, brave, heroic person, who is called in to save the day. Walter imagines himself the hero of his fantasies as a navy pilot commander, doctor, sharpshooter, bomber pilot, and noble victim of firing squad. His daydreams changes throughout the story. In his final vision, he sees himself facing a firing squad. It is another expression of his exceptional courage and bravery. Reading the story the reader understands that these dreams mean something more, the old man Mitty feels that he can be a lot more than what he is in his everyday life. The catching is the way Thurber introduces the changes of events Mr. Mitty is imaging. The story begins with him in one of his fantasies as a daring Navy pilot and then his wife cuts in saying â€Å"Not so fast! You are driving too fast! †. Walter was going so fast, because he was caught up in his imagination of being a naval pilot, he did not pay attention to how he was going. This was one of his many dreams. He imagines all these stories because he wants to make his life interesting. And his wife doesn’t seem to support him, she is always nagging. Mitty’s wife treats him more like a child than a husband. She only sticks to her guns and doesn’t let anything get by her. Thurber writes his story around Mitty’s daydreams and his return to reality. This novel seems to be the bunch of stories put together in one. In a Walter Mitty’s second daydream he is a â€Å"know-it-all† doctor, who fulfils a very difficult operation, on a millionaire banker. He seems to be brave saying â€Å"I could have killed Gregory Fitzhurst at 300 feet with my left hand†. In the real life he isn’t the one to perform an important operation; he is merely an occasional bystander of the hospital. Mitty has no courage, and has no charisma and would never participate in such a daring act in reality. The next dream depicts Walter as a commander of a bomber in the military, resolving to fly it to the other troops to drop off more ammunition. He isn’t putting up a flight or wearing a handkerchief over his eyes, he is behaving like a man. And again his imagination is interrupted. Walter’s last dream finds him in front of a firing squad, very quiet, getting ready to be executed. The old man is actually just a observer of the Waterbury trial, wishing that he was an accused. Mitty hits the District Attorney, who tries to wake a beautiful woman up from devastation. Here Walter Mitty is urbane and triumphant too. Once again the creative mind of the man has him doing something totally out of his league. Life places a great gap between wish and reality. This is true for Walter Mitty, the main character in the story â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty†. This man is far from being a respected man with a good career and his wife looks him down upon him. So he fabricates his own perception of reality, his daydreams, where he, Walter Mitty, is a hero and a leader. The way Mitty is in reality really contrasts the way he is in a fantasy world. His incapacities in the real world quickly turn into abilities in â€Å"fantasy land†. The man avoids weakness and does not let any pessimistic views ruin the complete spirit of his ideas. Every time the main hero has a daydream, he seems more and more unwilling to live in the real life. Why should anyone live in reality when you could live in a fantasy like that? Although Thurber’s humorous stories, essays and illustrations were popular during his lifetime, the author has received little scholarly attention. Some literary critics rejected his works as little more than pattern and whimsical. Lately critics have become attentive to James Thurber’s literary mastery, such as his use of wordplay and attention to narrative form. The scholars have also debated the darker themes of his work which hide beneath the merriment. Others, referring to his tendency to depict domineering women, like Mrs. Mitty, and ill-fated men, like Walter, blame his treatment of women and views of marriage. In common with Charles Dickens’ Scrooge and George Orwell’s Big Brother, Walter Mitty has outgrown his literary roots to become an everyday metaphor for a certain type of character or behavior. This type of character had an influence on other humorists, notably Mad founder Harvey Kurtzman, playwright George Axelrod (who employed Mitty-like fantasies in The Seven Year Itch) and animation director Chuck Jones (who created a Mitty-like child character for Warner Bros.cartoons). Works Cited 1. James Thurber. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. The Creative Company, 2008. 32p 2. Steve King, Thurber: Mitty and Dangerous, http://www. todayinliterature. com/stories. asp? Event_Date=3/18/1939 3. MediaGuardian, Who is Walter Mitty? , 2003-08-05 http://www. guardian. co. uk/media/2003/aug/05/iraqdossier. hutton 4. James Thurber, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, http://www. geocities. com/SoHo/Cafe/6821/thurber. html

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Montessori Method early childhood

The Montessori Method early childhood Introduction The Montessori Method was conceived in the early 1900s by Dr Maria Montessori, and was developed as an alternative method of early childhood learning. (Stevens, (n.d.) Montessori centres became established and recognised internationally including within Aotearoa NZ. Basic to Montessori is the premise that children are deemed individuals and need to be understood and given the freedom to be guided or directed through the system as opposed to being instructed. Learning should be determined by, and adapt to the needs, as they change through childhood. (Chattin-McNichols, 1992) Emphasis is placed on the use of specific equipment and other designated resources. The whole environment of a Montessori centre is designed to capture interest and lead to self learning, self discipline and fulfilment of a childs potential. (Montessori, 1912) As with other countries, a sociocultural aspect has been introduced here, and along with the introduction of Te WhÄ riki, brings modifications to the original dogma. Although long controversial, the method is in demand as a valid means of alternative education and a wide variety of literature presents a valuable source of theoretical and practical knowledge. (Shuker, 2004) Background Early years Maria Montessori (1870 1953). She graduated as a doctor of medicine with honours in 1896 from the University of Rome. Her CV in the following few years included research work at a psychiatric clinic where her interest in children was sparked. She studied the works of academics and practitioners such as Seguin, Rousseau, and Froebel and undertook courses in anthropology, philosophy and psychology. Tests and experiments in the 1900s at a school for the retarded children successfully helped develop her theories. This was followed in 1907 with the successful application of her methods at a new school in the slums of Rome. With success came global fame and acclaim for her and her system, followed by the establishment of centres globally. (Hainstock, 1997) Montessori in NZ In Aotearoa New Zealand, Montessori started in 1912, continuing till the 1950s when there was a decline. A revival started in 1975 continuing to this day. (Shuker, 2004) Montessori terminology A few examples of Montessori terminology integral to the system are as follows: didactic materials, discovery of the child, liberty, normalised child, order, prepared environment and sensorial exercises. (Hainstock, 1997) Overview Purpose The essence and essential purpose of Montessori is well encapsulated in the following statement. If young people are to meet the challenge of survival that faces them today, it is imperative that their education develop to the fullest extent possible for their potential for creativity, initiative, independence, inner discipline and self confidence. (Lillard, (1972) p. 138) Written in the 1970s, the statement is timeless in concept, being just as applicable today as it was then. Environment Montessori believed that the most important factors in achieving her ideal concept were the environment and the teachers. Apart from being organised and free from clutter, the environment had to be supporting, encouraging and foster a self belief in the child that would reveal his personal attributes and interests. The indoor and outdoor environments provided activities that were meaningful learning experiences. This environment contained only resources and materials that were specifically made to Montessoris standards; chairs, tables, equipment, all made in regard to the childs size and strength. (Lillard, 1972) Two very important pieces of furniture that could not be done without were a long low cupboard for the resources, and a set of colourful drawers for the child to put their belongings in. (Montessori (1912) as cited in Shuker, 2004) Teachers role The role of the teacher is to be able to understand from observation, the childs individual learning needs and the changes in those needs as they occur. This leads to directing or facilitating, the childs interest in and use of the didactic materials, exercises and games. The teacher is simply a link and therefore needs to be Montessori trained so as to be knowledgeable in the use of all the materials, techniques and processes to be used. (Montessori, 1988) Curriculum delivery and content The delivery of the curriculum is fed through observations to five essential stages: practical life, sensorial education, language education, mathematics and the cultural area. The materials used in these areas all helped the childs perception using size, shape, volume, colour, pattern, odour, sound and texture. Later materials help the children in discoveries relating to mathematics, language and literacy, art, music, science, and social studies (Chisnall, 2008, web-based) The practical life experiences cover all the everyday routines and how to cope with them; tying shoelaces and opening and closing drawers. Sensorial education covers the use of the five senses: smell, touch, taste, sight and hearing. Language development encompasses reading and writing and learning how to use good speech. This area is closely attuned to the sensory training, for without knowing how to feel and hold a pencil; a child cannot learn how to write. The mathematics stage teaches the child the fundamental decimal system of counting up to and in groups of 10. The cultural aspect is shown through pictorial material, along with a globe of the world, puzzles and similar resources. (Hainstock, E.G. (1968) Discussion There are few similarities between a Montessori Method and a traditional mainstream approach while the differences are many. Some examples of both are as follows: Similarities Montessori believed that each child is unique with a potential that needs releasing. (Montessori, 1912) The Te WhÄ riki Curriculum takes this approach and states that children learn through individual exploration and reflecting. (Ministry of Education, 1996, p. 9) Montessori encouraged parents and caregivers to visit the classroom at any time; however, they were not allowed to distract the children or the teacher. (Montessori, 1912) Parents and caregivers are encouraged to visit the mainstream classroom and take an interest in their children. Parental involvement and understanding are necessary ingredients to realising the full potential of a Montessori education. (Hainstock, 1997, preface) Montessori believed that every child had a right to an education regardless of class, culture, race and ability. (Montessori, 1912) Te WhÄ riki states the curriculum assumes that their care and education will be encompassed within the principles, strands and goals set out for all children in early childhood settings. (Ministry of Education, 1996) Differences Montessoris method was to stand back, observe, and let the child solve the problem themselves regardless of time taken. (Montessori, 1912) Education is different today. Teachers have to use the New Zealand curriculum which dictates what and when they have to teach. (Ministry of Education, 2007) There is still a certain amount of flexibility; however, the teachers are unable to leave children for a long time. Montessori grouped children into three age groups which they stayed in until they were old enough to progress to the next group. She did not have a new entrance class. (Montessori, 1912) Our education system insists that children are put into aged related classrooms. (Ministry of Education, 2007) Montessori was a great believer in children working individually or in small groups. (Montessori, 1912) Todays children are taught in classroom group situations. (Hainstock, 1997) Influences Controversy and confusion, mainly through misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and partial application of the method were common over the years. Other influences impacting include: mainstream resistance, political and philosophical vagaries, and funding problems, statutory and regulatory impositions. Cultural elements have also been introduced into the curriculum and modifications have occurred. The shortage of Montessori trained teachers had a detrimental effect as well. (Shuker, 2004) Contribution to educational setting The whole concept, philosophy and application of the Montessori Method obviously confine it to an alternative role in the field of education in Aotearoa New Zealand. Enthusiastic pioneers of the system such as Martha Simpson and Binda Goldsbrough have been followed by equally enthusiastic and committed parents. The formation of a Montessori movement, teacher training standards, and the evolution to higher education levels shows there is an enduring and well supported demand for the Montessori approach. The survival of Montessori for over 100 years is due in some part to its portability, culture sensitivity to its resident country and adaptability. (Shuker, 2004) Conclusion Personal reflection by Catherine Mitchell Maria Montessori was ahead of her time. She had the childrens best interests at heart. However I feel had she been able to accept criticism in a constructive way then her methods would have had more of an influence in society today. Montessoris methods were built on her observations of the children and were adapted to meet their needs. I will use a lot of Montessoris methods in my teaching, as I agree with her approach. Each child is an individual; we should be embracing this and allow the child to develop at their own pace. It is important as a teacher that you do what is best for the children in your care. My own attitudes have not changed; instead they have enforced my beliefs that each child is unique. Personal reflection by Faye Winter What to make of Montessori? With no real previous knowledge, apart from being aware that is was an alternative education centre, this study has been extremely interesting and revealing. The credibility of the method is well supported by the founders wide academic background allied with her actual experience and observations with both special needs and mainstream children. In this regard, the method is well founded. Although there is a wide range of literature on the subject, acceptance or otherwise of the approach invites further in-depth study, preferably along with hands on experience. As a staff member at an early childhood centre, I can see the potential for the introduction of certain elements, in particular, the use of Montessori didactic materials. Montessori once said she had discovered the child. This may well be the key to her method.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Schedule Repair And Maintenance Construction Essay

Schedule Repair And Maintenance Construction Essay Recently there was a lot of building have build around us, it growth fastly like a mushroom after rain. The owner of the building must take care of their building carefully; lack of maintenance by the owner of building will cause the building to lose their main function. The building is very importance for the body or company, this is because the building can be a symbol to the company, we can see there are a lot of interesting building design was build. The design will present the building aesthetics value and also can present the body strength. For example, the design for the bank building, the building must be looks solid, so the client will feel safe when they doing business with the banks. Besides that, for the commercial building such as, shopping mall and theme park, the design must look very interesting, to attract more people to come to the buildings. The beautiful design of building, and sometimes under our imagination of building design will only be meaningless if the owner of the building does not maintained it. From Dr. Ahmad bin Ramly said, some of the reason that cause the building not appreciate are: The owner itself failed to value and appreciates their building as important asset. Because of the current defect characteristic was slow, so, the repairing works can be delayed. 2.2 DEFINITION According to the statement of office the Legislative Auditor State of Minesota, maintenance management means the regularly schedule repair and maintenance needed to keep up a building component operating at peak efficiency and extent its useful life. It is includes scheduled activities intended to prevent breakdowns, such as periodic inspection, lubrication, calibrations, and replacement of equipment. Proper maintenance schedule must be prepared by maintenance manager to make sure all the defects in the building can be detect and also can solve it quickly. According to British Standard 8210 defined maintenance as the combination of all technical and administrative action intended to retain an item in, or restore it to, state in which it can perform its required function. Another British standard ( BS 8831 : 1964 ) maintenance as the combination of any action will be make to retain the items or restore it to make sure it in acceptable standard , maintenance management typically required both capital and operating expenditure. The maintenance management needs to work hard to make sure the maintenance standard is achieved. According to (Noble, 1984; Lee, 1987).there is no absolute maintenance definition for maintenance, the definition is very subjective, the standard is depends on person, or organization as a client request. The standard of maintenance is base on the objectives of the company or organization that the maintenance company will take care. Every building have their function and the maintenance works need to achieve to make sure the building is function as the client wanted, for example, for the building that function as a business purposed, the maintenance standard is high, such as maintenance for hotel building. According to books (building pathology principles and practice by David S. Watt), building and their services inevitably become obsolete as a result of factor relating to the use of the building (functional, economic, locational, social, statutory or physical) and changes in the needs of building user. BS 3811: 1984 define maintenance as A combination of any action carried out to retain an item in, or restore it to an acceptable condition. From this definition two key components can be identified: Action that will take is not only to the physical execution of maintenance, but it also concerned with its initiation, financing and organization. The notion of an acceptable condition, which implies and understanding or requirement for the effective usage of the building and its parts which in turn compel broader consideration of building performance. The committee on building maintenance recommended the adoption of the following definition work undertaken in order to keep, restore or improve every facilities, i.e. every part of the building, its services and surround to a currently acceptable standard that and to sustain the utilities and value of the facilities. According to Paul Wordsworth ( Lee s Building Maintenance Management, 4th edition ) The Charted Institute of Building offer the following definition work undertaken in order to keep ,restore pr improve every facilities i.e. every part of building services and surround to an agreed standard by the balanced between need and available resource. 2.3 MAINTENANCE OBJECTIVE. Maintenance may be undertaken either in anticipitation of failure (preventive maintenance) or carried out to restore the building to an acceptable standard after failure (corrective maintenance). According to several of reference the successful maintenance program should achieve these goals. Help buildings function as they were intended and operate at peak efficiency, including minimizing energy consumption. (Harvey H. Kaiser, The Facilities Managers Reference (Kingston, MA: R. S. Means Companying., 1989), 81; and American Public Works Association (APWA), Public Works Management Practices (Chicago: APWA, August 1991), 65.). Building maintenance must achieve to make sure the building can functioning as it proposed to be. For example, the design for commercial building must be function to attract people to come; proper maintenance to keep the building in good condition must be program. Prevent failures of building system that would interrupt occupant activities and the delivery of public services. (R. S. Means Company, Inc., Cost Planning Estimating for Facilities Maintenance (Kingston,MA: R. S. Means Company, Inc., 1996), 264.) Building that operate trouble-free allow public employee to do their jobs and serve the public. Because building maintenance includes regular inspection and replacement of equipment crucial to operating a building, maintenance staff reduces the problem that might otherwise lead to a breakdown in operation. Sustain a safe and healthful environment by keeping building and their component in good repairs and structurally sound.( APWA, Public Works Management Practices, 63; and International Code Council, Inc., International Property Maintenance Code 1998 (Country Club Hills, IL: International Code Council, Inc.,1997), 9-10.). Building maintenance must protect every building component in good condition, to create safe and healthful environment to the building occupant. Any serious defect to the building must be take an action because event a small defect it can slowly effect the building structure, and sometimes it also can effect to the occupant health. Provide maintenance in ways that are cost- effective. (Federal Facilities Council, Standing Committee on Operations and Maintenance, Budgeting for Facilities Maintenance and Repair Activities (Washington D.C.: National Academy Press, 1996), 29. Cost-effective denotes both economic efficiency and desirable results.) A main goal of maintenance is to minimize cost without reduce the quality services and building performance. To achieve cost effective a proper building maintenance cost planning must be developed to make the maintenance cost that will be spent for the building is relevant. To protect building owner invest for the building.( Dr. Ahmad Bin Ramly , 2002,Prinsip dan Praktis Pengurusan bangunan) Building owner has been investing a lot of money for the building; every investment must give an income. The increasing operation and maintenance cost of building will cause the owner investment will unrelavant and also not economical for a long term. The impact will be more conspicuous when the building has a lot of problem defect and need a lot of repairing works. Building maintenance classification. In generally, building maintenance can be categories into 2 categories, planned and unplanned maintenance. Planned maintenance is maintenance organized and carried out with forethought, control and the used of record to a predetermined planned. Maintenance works must be program properly, to make sure there no failure will occurred, any defects or problem must be recorded to make the observation works will be easier. Unplanned maintenance is ad hoc maintenance carried out to no predetermined plan. According to the Audit Commission considered a better maintenance to be as follows. Strategic repair and maintenance. This represent work required for a long term preservation of an asset, and includes planned maintenance of the building fabric (decoration and routine replacement), maintenance of engineering services and maintenance repair items such as re-roofing. There are normally item which can be plan of because, for some extent there can be foreseen and budgeted for. Tactical repair and maintenance. These items are related with day to day works of minor nature in response to immediate need. The audit commission point out that tactical maintenance is not necessarily the same as responsive maintenance as some immediate respond item are clearly of strategic nature for example a flat of roof failure. According to BS 3811 and for practical purposed about maintenance classifications are Preventive maintenance this maintenance carried out at pre determined interval, or corresponding to prescribe criteria, and intended to reduce probability of failure or the performance degradation of an item. Corrective maintenance maintenance carried out after failure is occurred, an intended to restore an item to a state in which it can perform it required function. Emergency maintenance maintenance which it is necessary to put in hand immediately to avoid serious consequences. Condition based maintenance preventive maintenance as a result of knowledge of the condition of an item from routine or continuous monitoring. Schedule maintenance preventive maintenance to carried out to a pre-determined interval of time, number of operation mileage etc. Another maintenance classification was made by Noble (1984) that classified maintenance as five different types: a. Routine or cyclic maintenance, it is task carried out at more or less regular intervals without prior inspection, such as cutting grass, lamp changing, cleaning of drains and gutters. b. Planned maintenance; can be determined as selected services, plant and equipment. It is a regular inspection and servicing (lubrication and adjustment) with repairs and replacements made or programmed only when found to be necessary. c. Planned inspection, for selected elements of structure, fabric and finishes. It is a regular inspection but with maintenance work carried out or only when found to be necessary. d. Breakdown or emergency maintenance, an action taken to remedy failure. e. Minimum maintenance, often applied to premises awaiting disposal. No action except to meet mandatory requirements, e.g. for health or safety, to conform to the terms of a lease, or to keep the property wind and waterproof. MAINTENANCE STANDARD In maintenance management there is no specific statement that defines the maintenance standard for building. In generally, maintenance standard is base on the client requirement and the contractor will know the standard base on the owner requirement. According to Dr Ahmad Bin Ramly, maintenance standard is basically same in any building or equivalent with the type of building, however in practically small size building will be easier to maintain and easier in maintenance management. Many of it repairing works can be done as planning. For the building that larger and more complex, with sophisticated design it will need a lot of special service. To fulfill the maintenance need, the building owner needs to provide one maintenance department to take care of the building facility and services. If the owner want to take consultant to maintain their building, they must specify ,what maintenance jobs will be carried out ,then ,all the workers must be supervise properly, to make sure the maintenance work is followed as planned. Besides that, all the maintenance workers must a qualified person to carry out the works, there must be no person can do the maintenance job, except the qualified person or maintenance expert. Milne, 1985, the main idea about maintenance standard is basically the request or maintenance work order from the owner to contractor, which area or defect that should be repair or replace, and this order should be clear as a standard for the contractor to perform the job. The work order should include the sufficient detail in order to enable the workman to take with him the correct quantity and type of material when making the maintenance work. In fact some of 40% of the maintenance standard was directed in site. (Lee, 1987) have mention, in building maintenance management describe building maintenance standard can be divide into two categories. Lower level The need of maintenance due to increasing probability of failure involving not only enhanced repairs costs but also consequential losses where the normal user of the building is interfered with. Upper level Set by a cost of achieving it. Lee also said about building individual element, he divide the maintenance standard into three condition : Physical condition of the elements. Has two related terms, the condition of element that related to the magnitude of defect that calls for remedial action and second is the performance or environment systems. Times criteria. When the repair or replacement will be make. At this method, the maintenance need frequent inspection and its need a little bit knowledge about decoration. The balance between frequently inspection, risk, and consequences of failure is the important part that should be achieve. Financial criteria. This criterion can be taken from the variable sum based on the costs of some primary activity or replacement value, or taken from fixed sum based on historic costs or an analysis of anticipated benefits. In certain time, maintenance works sometimes have a difficulty during do an operation some product that gives unsatisfaction to the owner. However, this problem can be solving if the proper maintenance works can be program, beside give a relevant budget. It can be done smoothly with one good maintenance program. MAINTENANCE NEEDS. According to Dr. Ahmad bin Ramly state that in Principe, the important building maintenance can be seen in four main aspects: Investment value. Building design Building function. heritage stuff 2.5.1 Retaining investment value. There is no person that have been invest for one thing want to lost, they always hope what they have been spent the money will be get a benefit from it. It also same with building owner, they have spent a lot of money for the building; so, they wanted their investment will be worth, and they will get the benefits. There are two type of income that usually investor hopes from their investment. Short term income. It means the owner hope to get profit from their new building. They hope their new building can be sold fastly, especially when the owner used loan to buy the land, then they must sale the building quickly, so they can cut the loan interest quickly. If the sale is slow, the loan interest will be rise, and when the interest is more than profit, the owner will be lost. Long term investment. Long term investment usually consists of calculation about rental rate that will be get and sale price. If the investor find the land market is in the good condition and increase, or any sign that the land market will be a rise, usually the owner will save their property for a longer term, so that, one day, they can sale the land or building with the higher price, or they used tenant as a source to pay the loan. Building Design. With proper building maintenance, the building will be look more interesting and less defects will occur. There have some reason that can cause the building will look not interesting and a lot of defect occurs: Dirt because of user careless. Natural environment effects. Such as, weather, season and air pollution. Insect attack. Fungus and plant attract. A decay that usually attack at some part of building that has dampness. Natural disaster or any unpredictable accident. Building function. All building that build have a reason to build, there have their function. So, proper building maintenance program will help to retain the building function as planned. There have some reason, why the building need maintenance to retain their function : To remain their actual design function and their construction objectives especially for preservation and conservation proposed. To maintain and fulfill building occupant needs or the owner. To remain or followed the statutory requirement or other local authority requirement. To remain building space with other services that have been provide for the buildings. To make sure all the facilities that provide or other services always functioning and can be used all the time Heritage Stuff The awareness and interest of the public and country to heritage item is increase. Now a day, the heritage stuffs not only just a collection to the people that interest with history, but now, it can be main things to make money. The heritage stuff such as old building, fortress, and houses not only have high value from their design, but for some local community it was a main thing to them, to make money. Those structures can attract tourist from out or in the country to come. 2.5.5 The satisfaction of building needs. According to Paul Wordsworth ( Lee building maintenance management ,4th edition ), his said that, in order to put the problem into perspective it is necessary to view maintenance in the context of the overall building process. The building needs community is met by interrelated construction activities of maintaining, modernizing and replacing existing stock of building and by erection of additional new building.( figure 2.0) The recent express view is that the level of expenditure on maintenance is too high. However in order to know the reasonable of expenditure is reasonable or not it is necessary to consider 3 factors: Whether the amount spent is excessive in relation to the work done. The amount that provide for maintenance works need to use carefully, to make sure the works is reasonable with the budget. Whether the work which is done is necessary and unavoidable. There are many reported cases of early maintenance which could have been avoided with better design and the suitable of the material. Whether it would be advantageous to carry out more works. Clearly construction resourced are limited and the goal should be to achieve the optimum allocation of manpower, material and capital between the maintenance and improvement of existing building and the construction of new building. Construction activities New buildings Existing building Replacement (Erection of new building of the same functional type as one demolished- usually on the same site. Maintenance (Work necessary to keep or restore to an acceptable standard including minor associated improvement) Alteration (Works involved in providing improved facilities to make more suitable for existing use.) Additional (Erection of new building- usually on a virgin site) Conversions (Work involved in rearranging internal spaces and/or providing new facilities to make building suitable for a new functional use. Figure 2. 0 Construction Activities within the Overall Building Process. 2.6 MAINTENANCE STRATEGY Maintenance strategy is to adopt the best approach to undertake the maintenance activities, so that maintenance objective is achieved. The strategy should be reflecting to approach the agencies maintenance and support the strategic maintenance plan and maintenance policy establish by the agencies. 2.6.1 Maintenance Strategy Development Techniques. The maintenance strategy needs to plan properly to make sure they achieve their objective with the strategy, these elements will affect maintenance performance, irrespective of which ever strategy pursue. The (fig.3) below show the corresponding to the maturity stage they start to have a maximum relevance: STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 -PLANNING CONTROL SYSTEM INTEGRATION METRICS FIGURE 3 Stage 1 Planning is the stage progress it does not stop after stage 1, but must be maintain and enhance right thought the stage 4. Stage 2. The proper control can be achieved by definition. This happen when: All relevant variable operation in the specific maintenance environment have been identified. The relationship between the variable are clear to all. Action has been taken to optimized at the desire output, by focusing by the input of each process. Stage 3 Congruency or system integration is the major key to stage 3 progresses. It is impossible to achieve effective congruency, if good planning and control system have not been established and this corporation must be extent beyond the boundaries of the maintenance function. Stage 4 It is difficult to define the metrics due to the fact that is cannot be research to any significant extent. Not all success company wants to share their strategies. Trust, teamwork and corporation seem to be some of its attribute. 2.7 MAINTENANCE PLANNING The maintenance planning is one of the important element in develop the good maintenance works, according to Barrie Charter and Peter Swallow, (1996, The Maintenance Management) state that, the basic principle of the planning should be firmly understood before considering maintenance planning specifically. The planning should be transparent to make sure the workers are understood what is the maintenance planning and their goal to achieve. The maintenance planning should be planned before the construction building , this will make sure to take account the effect of the building design to the maintenance aspect. According to Dr. Ahmad Bin Ramli (2002, Pengurusan Penyelenggaraan Bangunan), the maintenance planning should be done in five stages: The building in still in design stage. The proper maintenance planning should be plan at this stage need to be rigid and nonstop, especially for those building that need to do renovation in the future, the maintenance aspects need to take account to make sure the building long lasting. In the construction stage, the maintenance manager need to know the progress to make sure the construction works is followed as in planned. Before handover to the owner. the planning should be prepare before the building is handover to the new owner, the maintenance manager must know the condition of the building , and the new owner need, from the information, maintenance manager can program the maintenance works for the client need. The change of use to the building. The maintenance manager should have a planned if the building will change to the new function, they must know the relevant of the new function that will be use to the building. The maintenance manager should give advice or inform to the new owner about the impact of the building function to the maintenance. The change of maintenance budget. The change of maintenance budget is not impossible if the client faces the economic problem, the maintenance manager need to plan what should do to use the new budget to the maintenance. Thats mean if the client decides to cut the maintenance budget, the manager should cut down the unimportant works, and only focus on the serious maintenance works. According to Change of manpower. There have a possibilities that the manpower will decrease, this is because with some reason, such as because of high demand that the workers cannot accept the situation, and resign. The because of the economic problem by the owner, maybe a lot of worker will be reject to cut the operation fees. The maintenance manger should reprogram all the planning, and find the other alternative to face the problem. 2.8 PROBLEM IN MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT. Maintenance management is very important for the building, a good maintenance management will make the building life span is more, and also can reduce maintenance cost for the building. Any small defects at the building must be identify and must be solve it as soon as possible, because the small defects is like a cancer that slowly will become big defects in the future. Big defect means, big problem, and big problem need big cost to solve it. However, why there still have some of the building that have maintenance department, but the defects still occurs? Until sometimes the defects have cause injuries to the people who used the building. There are some general ideas about the problem in maintenance management: The building design. The building design is one of the factors that cause problem in maintenance management. Sometimes, the building designer does not consider about building maintenance during design the building, the design just take serious about building appearance compare to building maintenance. Some maintenance access must have to provide to make maintenance works can be done quickly and safe, beside that to make sure all part of building can be reach, so that any problem to the building can be Identify and solve quickly. Maintenance budget. Budget for maintenance is very important things, with the relevant budget, the maintenance management can manage all the maintenance cost properly. Most of the owner didnt want to spend a lot of budget for maintenance, because for them, the money is more important to use it in their business. For government building, limited budget to maintain will cause the maintenance management could not do their job properly. Because, the maintenance equipment, such as any specials equipment is very expensive, but it is very important tools, to make sure the building test or survey is accurate. Poor maintenance program. Poor maintenance program means the maintenance manager failed do their job to manage the building properly. Good maintenance management can provide the good maintenance program such as, provide maintenance information management, routine maintenance schedule, proper maintenance planning, and manage maintenance budget. Lack of professional skills. Maintenance management is a work that needs a skill to manage it. Less professional workers to manage building maintenance is very important to make maintenance management process can do smoothly. Professional person in maintenance need to know all about maintenance, such as , programming maintenance work, get to know , the suitable material to use for building and also know how to do and analysis test. Some country needs to import the professional worker from oversea to do this works. It is very sad, when government need to spend a lot of money to pay foreign workers. It will be better if the works can be managed by local people. Use unqualified workers Maintenance works need a qualified person to do the work; this is because maintenance work is dangerous which the workers need to handle dangerous equipment such as electrical system. At this stage, maintenance management is responsible to take a qualified person, besides have high skill or experience to do maintenance works. The maintenance workers need have a high knowledge about the works that they will do,they need to know how to reduce the risk and work safety during do the maintenance works.

The Google Culture Essay -- Business Management

Introduction Google was created in 1998 due to the need for a more efficient Search Engine. Actually Google is one of the most successful internet based companies since the booming of â€Å"dotcoms† in the late 1990s and remains a leader. This success is based on its great organisational practices and core competencies. Google ´s success is not only in its technology and the functionality of its product; it ´s also in its aggressive ability to get profits innovating, which is critical to their workforce because it operates in a global market. Through innovations, Google has expanded its services and features. Google today is no longer a search engine company but a web computing Applications Company. This innovative capability, the integrated process and a supportive culture creates the actual sustainable competitive advantage of Google. The focus of this study will be on that very culture that has allowed Google to become the giant it is today. From a garage start up to a company earning billions in revenue, Google has managed to maintain its charm. Google offers the perfect environment for its workforce where communication, respect and freedom are the reigning principles. The company is well known for its informal organization and flexible schedule, however there's a lot more to what is seen on the surface, as we delve into the inner make up of the Google Culture. The Google Culture Google's corporate culture is based on a number of principles that lay in the foundation of the company's success. First of all, members of the Google workplace are seen as equals. Of course for organizational purposes there are managers and those they manage, but this doesn't create any kind of barriers as communication flows swiftly back and forth and... ...e and the effort of staying true to important values that lie at the heart of the organization, Google should be able to move forward with as much grace as it has done in the past. Googlers are at the end of the day what drives the company along, thus keeping a strong and united workforce would be integral elements for Google to maintain its focus on. It's of utmost importance for the company to carefully manage its overseas offices, in order to avoid an internal breakup due to the diversity between them. This should be taken care of by communicating a clear set of values that are present in any culture across the world. This basis of the corporate culture would thus be a linking element despite racial differences. Works Cited

Friday, July 19, 2019

Growth of NYS Business :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Growth of NYS Business For a number of reasons, business enterprise in New York grew by leaps and bounds between 1825 and 1860. New York's growth between the years 1825 and 1860 can be attributed to a number of factors. These include but cannot be limited to the construction of the Erie Canal, the invention of the telegraph, the developed of the railroads, the establishment of Wall Street and banking, the textile, shipping, agriculture and newpaper industries, the development of steam power and the use of iron products. On October 26, 1825 the Erie Canal was opened. The canal immediately became an important commercial route connecting the East with the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys. With tht time of travel cut to one-third and the cost of shipping freight cut to one-tenthof the previous figures, commerce via the canal soon made New York City the chief port of the Atlantic. The growing urban population and the contruction of canals, railroads and factories stimulated the demand for raw materials and food stuffs. In 1836 four-fifths of the tonnage over the Erie Canal came from western New York (North, 105). Much of this cargo was in the form of agriculture goods. The farmer become a shrewed businessaman of sorts as he tended to produce whatever products would leave him the greatest profit margin. The rise of the dairy industry was by far the most significant development in the agricultural history of the state between 1825 and 1860. Farmers discovered that cows were their most relliable money-makers, since both the domestic and foreign market kept demanding more dairy products (Ellis, 273). Price flucuations became increasingly important for the farming population between 1825 and 1860. Prices rose from the low level of the early 1820's until the middle 1830's and the farmer's shared in the general prosperity (271). Although the rapid industrialization and urbanization of New York had a great deal to do with the success of agricultural markets sporadic demand from aboard as a result of the Irish famine, the Crimean War and the repeal of the Corn Laws in England also contributed(North, 141). During this period Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and Virginia, in that order were the leading wheat growing states. Between the years 1840 and 1850 New York ranked first in the production of beef. The absence of politic party differences on issues related to

Thursday, July 18, 2019

America’s cause Essay

But he calmly proceeded to act his part, pretending not the least bothered by the gut-wrenching ride over a swirling sea. The following day he received this message from the Navy Department: â€Å"Dear Mr. Wayne- we are pleased to record this latest addition to naval lore. To the immortal expression, ‘damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead,’ we now add your own memorable words, ‘get me out of this son of a bitch! ’†(Wayne168-169). Wayne spoke the American language well. Once, asked by a reporter about his rumored plan to run for president, Wayne said, â€Å"Bullshit. † When asked to give a definite comment, Wayne told him to use the word. The following day, this news item appeared: â€Å"When Mr. Wayne was questioned about the possibility of running for national office, he replied ‘B—–t! †(Wayne 162). Americans responded to John Wayne in a manner different from other stars of his generation. Other actors simply shed off their screen personae after the lights went off; not so Wayne. Although little was written about his private life (marriage, romantic affairs) until after his death, his public life was an open book that maintained and reinforced the John Wayne mystique. He was a natural treasure who was loved and respected. In 1979 he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. In 1998, an Army RAH-66 helicopter was named â€Å"Duke† in his honor. He wore a POW bracelet to show his sympathy with the fighting men in Viet Nam. Speaking extemporaneously before a subcommittee hearing in connection with the bill for the Congressional Gold Medal, Maureen O’Hara Blair, Wayne’s co-star in The Quiet Man, spoke for Wayne: â€Å"He is, believe me, the United States of America. He is a man that has a code of beliefs that he sticks with. He believes in individual responsibility and honor. † Said Reagan of Wayne: I never saw Duke display hatred toward those who scorned him. Oh, he could use some pretty salty language, but he would not tolerate pettiness and hate. He was human all right: he drank enough whiskey to float a PT boat, though he never drank on the job. . . he was virtually always the first to arrive on the set and the last to leave. World War II helped to define what John Wayne stood for. Unable to join the Navy due to an old football injury, his age (34), and being a father of four, Wayne did his part in the war by making movies about America’s fighting men. He appeared minus his horse and six-shooter in memorable films like the Fighting Seabees, Flying Tigers, Reunion in France, They Were Expendable, and Back to Bataan. The 1949 film Sands of Iwo Jima earned Wayne his first Oscar nomination. These films did not have the nauseating gore and graphic violence of present-day war movies, but they exalted the heroism of ordinary men, and people related to them well. Wayne had made it a point not to accept any role that was un-American or tended to denigrate the United States or the American tradition. At a time when he was nearly bankrupt, Wayne bankrolled, starred in, and directed the epic The Alamo, which had been his dream project of many years. In it, playing the role of Davy Crockett, he described the defenders’ role as they waited for the approaching battle with Santa Anna: â€Å"There’s right and there’s wrong. You got to do one or the other. You do the one and you’re living. You do the other and you may be walking around, but you’re as dead as a beaver hat. † As Crockett, he voiced out the timeless yearning of the Texans for independence: â€Å"It means people can live free, talk free, go or come, buy or sell, be drunk or sober, however they choose. † John Wayne did not win on Oscar for The Alamo (except for Best Sound) although it received six nominations, but people came in droves to see the movie. Besides his classic westerns and war pictures, The Alamo is one of his lasting legacies. John Wayne is often equated with conservatism. He was the product of an age when Americans were proud of their heritage, conscious of their country’s new role as a world power and sincerely believed in the righteousness of America’s cause. He was born when Theodore Roosevelt was president, a man who believed in Manifest Destiny and was wont to â€Å"speak softly, but carry a big stick. † Wayne belonged to a generation yet untouched by pangs of national self-doubt, unstricken by remorse over purported wrongs committed by the white man against the natives, the blacks, the Vietnamese, the American youth who were being sent to die in remote battlefields. This was the turbulent 60’s, an age when young Americans were seduced by flower power, discovered new ideologies, adopted a libertarian attitude and opposed any kind of war. In a nation divided by war, John Wayne was seemingly a lonely figure as young Americans felt shame for everything America ever did in the course of her ascent to world dominance. A friend of Senators Barry Goldwater and Joe McCarthy, and former President Ronald Reagan, John Wayne was Republican to the core. Against the weakening of American resolve, John Wayne’s tenacious adherence to the American tradition of duty and honor could only be seen as naivete – sprung from the good guy–bad guy scenarios in his celluloid world. From the 40’s to the 60’s, the Left made inroads in school campuses where teach-ins became common, swaying many of the youth to the new ideology, and threatening to undermine the foundations of the country’s democratic system. Due to its potentials for propaganda, the movie industry was targeted and there were rumors that some Hollywood figures had embraced socialism. In 1944, Wayne helped found the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals, in the company of other giants like Clark Gable, Gary Cooper, Walt Disney, and Robert Taylor. He later became president of the association for two terms. He was outspoken against the communist threat. He was mistaken for an archconservative and accused of blackballing movie personalities who refused to cooperate in Congressional hearings, although he never testified, nor did he blackball anybody (Wayne 55). His being perceived as a staunch anti-communist even gave rise to rumors that the late Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin plotted to have him murdered (Soviet Dictator).

Communication Climates, Responses, and Dynamics

This paper will demonstrate delicate group ups on a reliableity fork up c alled There goes the Neighborhood. This confront is almost a neighborhood that allows a brick debate to gate them in and they must convey to sue unneurotic, non only as a family, just now as neighbors too. In the beginning of the plot of land, e genuinelything is taken away from them. For example, all of the luxuries much(prenominal) as appliances, televisions, snacks, video games, and childrens toys were all removed. There was no fatality for their cars since there was a great breakwater around the neighborhood.These police squads not only had to collect to become a team, scarcely it would likewise t to each(prenominal) peerless them to appreciate everything that they hurl. The game encourages team work, because with let on teamwork the teams would lose the challenges that ar presented to both teams. up to now up though the challenges are staged, they push the competitors to utte rmost(a) emotional, physical, and manpowertal states. The challenges are rewarded with prizes for the winning team. antitank and supportive climates are always tone ending to be a leave-taking of colloquy. With that in mind we look at a certain style and that is consequence vs. provisionalism.The Nelson Family seems to believe that everything should go their way, and were working on the Johnstons as allies to get release of the people they did not like. Since the Nelson family did not respect of the Mullinax family because they were lesbian mformer(a)s they wanted them out of the game. This shows certainty because they were very defensive on the subject. The an otherwise(prenominal) families showed provisionalism because they were open to the Mullinaxs situation. This began to tear families a occasion and finally the other families were timeworn of creation followers and kicked the Nelson family off.Later on in the game, the families started to notice that the Mullinax family was just giving excuses every week for why they should not be eliminated. First it was for stereotypes, and then it was for nobody propensity them, and this week it was they live payroll check to paycheck and have two children dismission to college soon. It seemed as though other family components were getting tired of the excuses and felt as if they might be using it to their advantage to win the game, so they eliminated the Mullinaxs. The Mullinaxs started to show defensive conduct thinking it would save them and people would show sympathy for them, but it seemed to backfire on them. The someone who behaves defensively, even though he or she besides gives some concern to the common task, devotes an appreciable portion of slide fastener to defending himself or herself. Besides talking about the topic, he thinks about how he appears to others, how he may be seen more favorably, how he may win, dominate, impress or escape punishment, and/or how he may avoid or mitiga te a perceived attack. (Gibb, n. d. )This aforesaid(prenominal) situation takes go into in confirming and disconfirming responses. During the liquidation ceremony, the Mullinax family poured their hearts out stating that the Nelson family made them line up outside of the core. The Nelson family showed disconfirming responses by flunk to get laid them and talking to other family shares spot they were talking. This excessively showed their sign-language(a) air such as rolling their eyes and buoyant at their family members. Non vocal communication is specify as all the messages that people gestate through means other than row (Alberts, 2007).The Nelsons would someday see themselves on television and see how much they utilise non-verbal behavior in a contradict way. almosttimes people have to acknowledge someones disconfirming non-verbal behavior before the main person recognizes it. other families tuned in and in reality listened to what the Mullinax family had to say and showed confirming responses. None of the other families knew that was how the Mullinax family felt heavy inside and they changed their minds to eliminate the Nelson family. Cohesiveness relates to the percentage point to which members are attracted to and motivated to remain part of that team.A cohesive group member values his or her membership and strives to have got a positive relationship at bottom the group. Often, coherency is viewed from an affective perspective as interpersonal attraction among members or to the group. However, cohesion cannister also be envisioned as attraction to a collectivity as opposed to an attraction to the individuals who make up that grouping. (Ratzburg, n. d. ) It is important that every single member never work against each other but strive to work with each other toward their shared goal(s). Any prejudicial force that threatens the teams success redirects itself into something ositive as broad as team members share the same purpo se. Cohesiveness is a process whereby a sense of we-ness emerges to transcend individual differences and motives (Kinicki Kreitner, 2004, p. 15). or so of the teenagers in the families did not approve of how their parents were playing on decision making. Since these people were in reality neighbors in real life, these teenagers were friends with the other teens in the game. This caused problems because some of the parents were existence immature and this caused the teens to dissent against their own family.In certain challenges the teens would not try as hard as they should because they disapproved of what their parents were planning. Finally, one of the set abouts talked to them and explained that it was only a game and more than anything they needed to work unneurotic as a family first. The teen agnize that this was more important and strived to help his team out. Effective listening is an important part of working as a team. When powerful listening does not occur it can result in misunderstanding, failed goals and accomplishment, or even a conflict amid team members.This situation came into place as the teams had their challenges. The teams were speculate to build a house of waggle which taught them how to listen to each other and work as a team. One of the children was very experienced in building houses of cards, but the parents were ignoring his ideas on how to build it because of his age. The family ended up losing the challenge because they did not listen to each other. The same thing that the child was explaining to his family, the other team listened and took the idea and won the challenge. This also showed a barrier between the adults and the children. few parents unsounded live the old expression way where children are not very paid attention to, especially in a situation where a huge lump sum of money is involved. Some of the old fashioned quotes would be, Dont speak until youre utter to Children should be seen and not heard. col lectible to this, children never get a aspect to express themselves or help out so they either give up or rebel. Some children feel why they should bother if no one is divergence to pay attention to them. There were also several barriers between the families such as cultural, physical, and emotional. There were a lot of stereotypes going on in this show.Like mentioned before, the Nelsons had a problem with the Mullinaxs because they were lesbians. The men had issues with Cameron Johnston because he was a stay at home soda. They secretly would mention that they did not feel that he should be staying at home while his wife worked. They count on he was a real man, so they would never include him in the things that they were doing outside of the challenges. There was also the Upshaw family who were a bi-racial family where the mother was white and the father was black, and they were definitely sign(a) looks at the beginning at this family.The Upshaw dad felt out of place being the only black man, so he was always staying on his toes and making certain(a) that his family won the challenges so that they would not be sent home. He was one of the families at the beginning that sided with the Nelsons because he knew that they were in charge. He was also the main person who sided with the Mullinaxs and eliminated the Nelsons too. In conclusion, watch reality shows definitely show real team work and the positive and negative outcomes.When watching fictional sitcoms or series, we really do not get the in effect(p) effect of how teamwork really works but how the director and writer perceive it. Since this was the summertime time it was hard to find a decent reality show to discuss compared to the fall season where there are wonderful shows like Survivor which would have great examples. There goes the neighborhood still showed enough examples on teamwork and interpersonal communication. As the teams were eliminated, the audience could definitely tell which ones lit eral learned for the experiment compared to the others who were still defensive. honoring a reality show provided unalike camera views to catch the families nonverbal and verbal communication. If they rolled their eyes or verbalize something it was all caught on camera with subtitles. sign-language(a) and verbal communication work together to convey and explain messages sent between people. Together they support the thoughts and ideas of the speaker. We use nonverbal communication to illustrate the verbal communication. Without one or the other two types of communication we would not be able to amply understand each other.ReferencesAlberts, Jess K. (2007) Human communication in Society Nonverbal communicating (144-161) Upper Saddle River, New jersey Pearson Prentice Hall Gibb, Jack R.. (n.d.). defensive Communication. In Definition and Significance. Retrieved Sept 13, 2009, from http//, A., Kreitner, R. (2004). organizational behavior Teams and Teamwork for the 21st Century. New York The McGraw-Hill Companies.LeVrier, Peggy. (n.d.). parent University. In Establishing your posture as an telling listener. Retrieved Sept 13, 2009, from http//, Wilf H.. (n.d.). Group Cohesiveness. In organizational Behavior. Retrieved September 13, 2009, from http//